Begin again.

'At the beginning there was nothing but love and stardust, my heart yearns to begin again'


Today and every day, I encourage you to create a more personal resolution based on a deep understanding of yourself and what matters most to you. As you leap into this new beginning be sure to take a sacred pause to reconnect and recalibrate. Moving forward, take only what you must from the past and consider leaving the rest as memories, growth or nothingness. 

- Confident in the whole self - 

All of you. Exactly where you've been has made possible exactly who you are. 

- Trust the full spectrum of colour - 

Witness and embrace that which is vibrant. ALso be willing to see the dark in your life, deal with it. Choose to shine brighter because of it.  

- Truth + transparency - 

Feel beyond the senses into the depth of your own innate awareness. Show up fully, be seen and request that those around you do the same. There's no time for fake or half hearted. Only 100% is 100%, 99% = 0. 

- People are healing - 

Find the good ones and nurture your relationship to these souls. Make space and time for those who want you to be the best version of yourself and for those who love you and it's palpable. Let go of the rest. 

- Trust the yoga - 

Everything is a practice. Opt for fulfilling movement and more freedom in breath + body. 

- Give permission to yourself and others for their human-ness - 

Offer grace. This is very different to an invitation of complacency, abuse or neglect. Return those back to sender. Immediately. 

- Stay open and embody presence - 

Become so skilled at discovering love in each area of your life. Focus on it and watch the expansion occur. 

- Slow down - 

Be patient as you evolve. Honour and appreciate the process and the progression no matter how small. Day by day, step by step. Each moment, a new choice. 

- Align all ways. All the time - 

Get crystal clear about how you want to feel and say yes to people, places, things that contribute to that feeling. Carve out time to create a map of where you're going, navigate from within. 

Do more to experience the sensation of being alive.

Find joy.

Kindness matters. 

Seek adventure.

Stay wild.

Get outside. 

Love hard.

Play daily. 

Laugh deeply.

Rest often. 

Take care of yourself + others. 

Blessings + Love.  

Jess xo